What's New with Demo Gorilla

Needs Review: June 10th

Let your sales enablement team know when a talking point has gone stale. If you find yourself stumbling on a particular point, or if a competitive point isn't true any more -- click "Needs Review" and they'll be able to fix it. (Or fix it yourself once the demo is over!)

  • One click to let the enablement team know your demo hit a rough spot
  • Talking points with open requests are visible by clicking the "Review Requests" menu item
  • See what talking point needs reivew and metadata about the session to dig deeper

Sync With Google Calendar: June 3rd

When there's a meeting on your calendar, Demo Gorilla pulls in the remaining time, meeting name and who's in it.

  • Conenct to your Google Calendar from your profile page
  • Prepared sessions can be connected to a calender event ahead of time
  • Timer counts down automatically, turning yellow at 10m and red at 5m

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